Free pregnancy test
Do you have the signs of a pregnancy? Are you confused about what this means and who could you talk to?
At Clinica Pro Vita you can find answers to your questions and take a free pregnancy test!
Taking a pregnancy test is a fast and early method to detect a pregnancy. Our pregnancy tests are designed to tell if human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is present in your body. This hormone is produced right after a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of a woman’s uterus.
Like any other biological test, a pregnancy test does not provide a diagnosis. A pregnancy diagnosis can only be confirmed by a doctor after all clinical and laboratory findings have been evaluated. Rarely, there are pregnancy tests that are positive but do not indicate a pregnancy. A number of conditions including certain non-trophoblastic neoplasms, such as breast cancer and lung cancer, cause elevated levels of hGG hormone.
SPECIAL OFFER! First ultrasound FREE.
The clients who visit our centre and have a positive pregnancy test will have their first ultrasound free of charge. They will also receive ultrasound photos with their baby to help them enjoy the miracle that surrounds every new human life.
For appointments or to find out additional information please contact us by phone at 0748/127.021 and 0264/431891 or by email at