Sexual abstinence education

FREE sexual abstinence education

What are the consequences of pursuing a sexual relationship outside of marriage?

This is the question that usually has a blank space in the questionnaries we give the sutdents to fill in at the begining of our character-based sexual education course. Therefore, our educational program Dare to dream. Be different!is designed to provide young people, and others, with relevant and ample information about the implications of beginning a sexual relationship outside of marriage.

Educatie sexuala adolescenti

If you would like to find out more details about our sexual education program, please get in touch with us by phone or email at

If you would like the young people surrounding you to find out relevant information about the consequences of early sexual relations, do not hesitate to get in contact with us.
You can call us or write an email at or

Don’t be afraid to Dare!

Dare to dream. Be different!

Let’s talk about abstinence!

The advantages of Abstinence

Can it be me?

Safer sex?
